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Conditions of use

The documents that this open archive offers are the fruit of the research that the members of the ERC/UPF State Building in Latin America Project carried out between 2009 and 2014. When it was launched in December 2008, we committed ourselves to making public the documents that would form the base of our database.

This collection of documents was taken from 35 Latin American, European, and North American archives and libraries (list). The researchers that participated in this project would like to take this opportunity to thank the employees of these institutions for their helpfulness and positive attitude while the documents were being consulted. The moment has therefore arrived to put our sources at the disposal of other researchers and anyone else interested in them. The conditions governing access which is completely free and use of the documents are explained below.

For more information, please visit the project's website.

By accepting these conditions of use, you thereby promise to:
A. Cite the documents you consulted by following this format: Memoria de Hacienda, Argentina, 1863, in www.archives-statebglat.upf.edu
B. Send the link to the web-sites that include any study or other work using these sources or alternatively the bibliographical reference to the respective publication.

This site does not support aliases for legal reasons. Registration suspicious of being a pseudonym will be removed. This can lead to errors on our part and those affected by this error may write to info@statebglat.upf.edu for verification.
The personal data provided will be stored in Universitat Pompeu Fabra file 'Projectes de recerca, desenvolupament i innovació', for the purpose of executing investigation development and innovation studies, works or projects and to promote them, and manage the resulting products. These data may be disclosed to third parties, with your previous consent: to entities that collaborate in the development of research activity, to promote the research in communications media or through the internet; and when such a disclosure is authorized by law. The body responsible for the University files is the manager. Rights to access, correct, cancel or object to data in these files may be exercised by applying in writing, including a photocopy of your identity card or equivalent to: Gerent. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Pl. de la Mercè, 12. 08002 - Barcelona.